Take Action!
Medicare for All CT believes in people over profits, that healthcare is a human right, and that your health should never be traded on the stock exchange or in the hands of anyone but you and your chosen medical professional. We have written statewide legislation, passed Town Resolutions, and endorsed candidates who support our vision of a universal, single-payer system in which transparency, public accountability, and a more equitable approach to healthcare is possible. If you too believe the same, take these actions now!

Support State-Based Universal Health Care Now!
On June 8, the State-Based Universal Health Care Act has been reintroduced in the 117th Congress, by Rep. Ro Khanna and 24 co-sponsors!
This bill would amend the Affordable Care Act by creating a waiver to allow states to implement single payer programs. Multiple states are already passing legislation to ready themselves to transition to a unified financing system pending federal authority. Rep. Khanna's bill would support these states in their efforts.
Send a letter now, to add your voice, to let our U.S. Reps from Connecticut know, that they need to co-sponsor the State-Based Universal Health Care Act, to allow states to implement guaranteed healthcare for all!
Take on Direct Contract Entities
On February 24, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) responded to criticism of its Direct Contracting pilot program by … changing the program’s name.
CMS announced that Medicare Direct Contracting will come to a close at the end of 2022, and that it will be replaced by the virtually identical REACH model. This new incarnation retains the worst elements of the original program, including: Placing third-party middlemen between seniors and the care they need; Auto-enrolling seniors in Traditional Medicare, without their full understanding or consent; and Paving the way for the complete privatization of Medicare by 2030. Physicians for a National Health Plan released a statement detailing its criticisms, and PNHP president, Dr. Susan Rogers, issued a video response letting CMS know that we weren’t fooled by their transparent rebranding effort. Learn More about REACH.
So, what can you do?
Sign Physician For a National Health Plan's petition against DCEs here.
Contact CMMI Director Liz Fowler HERE to express your revulsion at DCEs.
Write letters to your U.S. Senators and Reps. See templates HERE.
Write LTEs, Op-Eds, and engage journalists in your community.

Tell our Congressional Delegation: Support Medicare for All!
In August 2021, New Haven became the third and largest city in Connecticut to pass a resolution endorsing Medicare For All to Congress. (And more resolutions are in the works!) This is a strong message, but our representatives in Washington, D.C. won't hear it unless we make them!
Please write a letter to your reps in Congress letting them know that, like the New Haven Board of Alders and town legislatures in New London and Windham, you support Medicare For All — and that you demand they support it, too!

Help Pass a M4A Resolution in Hamden!
With a historical public health crisis on our hands and the possibility of an economic depression on the horizon, the urgent need for Medicare for All has never been more clear.
Tell your reps on the Hamden Legislative Council to pass a resolution in favor of Medicare for All, so that our representatives in Congress know that we demand health justice!