Municipal Resolutions
As part of a national movement to pass municipal resolutions endorsing Medicare for All in cities and towns across the country, Medicare for All CT is engaged in communities across the state to pass resolutions and put pressure on our delegation in Washington, D.C. to co-sponsor, support, and pass the Medicare for All Act in Congress. Find information on our current and past efforts below, and learn more about the nationwide movement to pass resolutions.
Efforts are currently underway to pass a municipal resolution in Hamden, a railway suburb to the north of New Haven and an important part of Rep. Rosa DeLauro's district. Check our events page or get in touch to find out how you can help!
New Haven — PASSED!
A resolution endorsing Medicare for All was unanimously approved by a vote of the New Haven Board of Alders on Monday, August 2, 2021. The campaign to pass the resolution was led by activists from Medicare for All CT and the Central Connecticut Democratic Socialists of America. Read more in the New Haven Independent.
Windham — PASSED!
In January 2021, the Windham Town Council passed a resolution in support of Medicare for All.
Read the resolution here.
New London — PASSED!
In February 2020, New London became the first city in Connecticut to pass a resolution endorsing Medicare for All, thanks in part to the efforts of Medicare for All CT members. Read more the in New London Day.